Vol. 14 No. 4 (2005): Nordic Journal of African Studies
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Computational Description of Verbs in Disjoining Writing Systems

Arvi Hurskainen
University of Helsinki
Louis Louwrens
University of South Africa
George Poulos
University of South Africa
Nordic Journal of African Studies

Published 2005-12-31

How to Cite

Computational Description of Verbs in Disjoining Writing Systems. (2005). Nordic Journal of African Studies, 14(4), 14. https://doi.org/10.53228/njas.v14i4.251


In this paper we discuss the problems encountered in the morphological description of verbs in those Bantu languages, which use a disjoining writing system. In one method, verb structures are first identified and concatenated by using a heuristic pre-processor, and the morphological description is based on this new writing system. In another method, the morphological description is performed directly by using the finite state tool package of Xerox. Test languages are Kwanyama and Northern Sotho. Both methods are evaluated and their limitations discussed, including the memory problems encountered in describing non-concatenative processes.