Vol. 19 No. 1 (2010): Nordic Journal of African Studies
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Farmer Perceptions on Indigenous Pig Farming in Kakamega District, Western Kenya

Florence Mutua
International Livestock Institute (ILRI), University of Nairobi, Kenya
Samuel Arimi
University of Nairobi, Kenya
William Ogara
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Cate Dewey
University of Guelph, Canada
Esther Schelling
International Livestock Institute (ILRI), Swiss Tropical Institute, Switzerland
Nordic Journal of African Studies

Published 2010-03-31

How to Cite

Farmer Perceptions on Indigenous Pig Farming in Kakamega District, Western Kenya. (2010). Nordic Journal of African Studies, 19(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.53228/njas.v19i1.213


Objectives for this paper were to: study farmer beliefs and perceptions on local pig farming practices; and to explore opportunities for improved located production in selected villages of Western Kenya. The paper seeks to understand why the local pig breed still remains the predominant breed in these areas despite numerous calls to introduce better exotic breeds. Most pigs in Kenya are of exotic breeds, intensively managed on commercial farms. Focus group discussions were used to gather data. Discussions were taped, transcribed and translated from Swahili to English. Farmers use pigs to guard homes at night, pigs also act as a charm to protect families against evil spirits. Women farmers manage the family pigs, men sell the pigs. Farmers identified feeding, marketing, and breeding as the main challenges affecting the sector. The discussions identified a number of opportunities for improved production, and likely strengthened the bond between the farmers, researchers and staff. This created an outlook that can now be used in further public engagement as ongoing research studies on appropriate feed, health and improvement of market access are being analysed.